Carmel High School Home of the Greyhounds

Wrestling - Boys Varsity


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2024 - 2025 SEASON SCORES

Record: 4 - 2 - 0

Event Date Scores

Fishers (A)

Wed, Dec. 11 2024

6:30 PM EST

Varsity vs Fishers
48 - 18 (Loss)

Shamrock Duals (A)

Sat, Dec. 7 2024

9:00 AM EST

Varsity vs Greencstle
42 - 27 (Win)
Varsity vs Norwell
Varsity vs Fishers
11 - 59 (Loss)
Varsity vs Carroll (FW)
Varsity vs Mount Vernon (Fortville)
45 - 31 (Win)
Varsity vs Hamilton SE
39 - 33 (Win)
Varsity vs Westfield

Mt. Vernon (H)

Wed, Dec. 4 2024

6:30 PM EST

Varsity vs Mount Vernon (Fortville)
Varsity vs Mount Vernon (Fortville)
58 - 13 (Win)


Name Grade Weight
Adel Navarrete 12th 215 lbs
Alexander Agee 11th 126 lbs
Benjamin Gardner 10th 113 lbs
Braydon Mack 11th 150 lbs
Caleb Mattingly 12th 132 lbs
Carlo Federici 10th 106 lbs
Carlos Aleman 10th 120 lbs
Charles Hawn 11th 150 lbs
Colton McMurtray 10th 120 lbs
Craig Kepler 12th 175 lbs
Dylan Rowlett 10th 138 lbs
Eli Isen 10th 157 lbs
Elijah Penquite 12th 138 lbs
Elliott Leonard 11th 120 lbs
Elliott Johnson 10th 190 lbs
Ender Stanford 10th 120 lbs
Ethan Hurwitz 12th 126 lbs
Harrison Grant 10th 165 lbs
Jackson Bui 12th 215 lbs
Jacob Gardner 11th 120 lbs
Jake Lindsay 10th 126 lbs
Jason Marsh 10th 157 lbs
Jaxen Timmons 10th 165 lbs
Jonathan Allen 12th 175 lbs
Jordan Penquite 11th 106 lbs
Jordan Jay 10th 165 lbs
Joshua Velarde-Gallardo 10th 106 lbs
Josiah Hegnauer 12th 157 lbs
Jude Wright 11th 144 lbs
Lucas Brock 11th 215 lbs
Michael Major 12th 150 lbs
Michael Medina 10th 175 lbs
Mitchell Mathiebe 10th 165 lbs
Nick Kelley 12th 165 lbs
Patrick Hagerty 10th 175 lbs
Robert Cross 10th 285 lbs
Robert Muller 10th 120 lbs
Sullivan Mahar 10th 120 lbs
Tamalelagi Peko 10th 144 lbs
Ty Collins 10th 190 lbs
Tyler Stickles 11th 126 lbs
Tyler Elliott 11th 132 lbs
Walter Karwacinski 10th 120 lbs
William Massey 11th 215 lbs
Name Grade Position Weight
Adel Navarrete 12th


190 lbs
Aidan Langford 9th


126 lbs
Alexander Agee 11th


138 lbs
Anthony Brancato 9th


175 lbs
Ashton Alfayyad 10th



Benjamin Gandiello-Slade 9th


126 lbs
Braydon Mack 11th


150 lbs
Brock Raasch 9th


126 lbs
Cagen English 9th



Carlo Federici 10th


120 lbs
Carlos Aleman 10th


126 lbs
Cedric Silva 9th


132 lbs
Cleo Recinto 9th


175 lbs
Colton McMurtray 10th


132 lbs
Cooper Jones 9th


120 lbs
Craig Kepler 12th


157 lbs
Derek Fedorcha 12th


175 lbs
Eli Isen 10th


175 lbs
Elijah Penquite 12th


144 lbs
Elliott Leonard 11th


132 lbs
Elliott Johnson 10th


190 lbs
Evelyn Pendoski 11th Manager


Gavin Adkins 10th


190 lbs
Harrison Grant 10th


175 lbs
Ian Snyder 9th


126 lbs
Isaiah White 9th


132 lbs
Jackson Bui 12th


215 lbs
Jackson Flatt 9th


175 lbs
Jacob Bhavnani 9th


157 lbs
Jake Lindsay 10th


144 lbs
Jason Marsh 10th


144 lbs
Jensen Bruckner 9th


215 lbs
Jeremy Crawford 10th


150 lbs
John Rammahtaw 9th


138 lbs
Jonathan Allen 12th


157 lbs
Jordan Penquite 11th


106 lbs
Jordan Jay 10th


165 lbs
Josh Martin 9th



Joshua Velarde-Gallardo 10th


113 lbs
Josiah Hegnauer 12th


132 lbs
Jude Wright 11th


150 lbs
Julian Cline 11th


175 lbs
Louis Recker 9th


175 lbs
Lucas Brock 11th


285 lbs
Lucas Gregory 9th


120 lbs
Luke Moore 9th


138 lbs
Mario Ynciarte 9th



Mason Kline 9th


157 lbs
Matthan Lemon 11th


157 lbs
Max Thompson 9th


144 lbs
Michael Major 12th


165 lbs
Michael Medina 10th


165 lbs
Michael Borders 9th


132 lbs
Mitchell Mathiebe 10th


175 lbs
Oscar Iversen 9th


190 lbs
Patrick Hagerty 10th


175 lbs
Rafael Banuelas Amador 9th


138 lbs
Reed Collins 9th



Reid Dryden 9th



Rylan Terhune 9th


106 lbs
Seth Kunstek 9th


215 lbs
Sullivan Mahar 10th


126 lbs
Tamalelagi Peko 10th



Tristan Dowden 12th


150 lbs
Ty Collins 10th


215 lbs
Tyler Elliott 11th


144 lbs
William Massey 11th


215 lbs
William Fresch 9th


132 lbs
Name Grade Weight
Adel Navarrete 11th 215 lbs
Alexander Ryan 12th 190 lbs
Alexander Agee 10th 126 lbs
Benjamin Gardner 9th 113 lbs
Braydon Mack 10th 150 lbs
Caleb Mattingly 11th 132 lbs
Carlo Federici 9th 106 lbs
Carlos Aleman 9th 120 lbs
Charles Hawn 10th 150 lbs
Colton McMurtray 9th 120 lbs
Craig Kepler 11th 175 lbs
Drew Gonzalez 12th 138 lbs
Drew Van Bibber 12th 165 lbs
Dylan Rowlett 9th 138 lbs
Eli Isen 9th 157 lbs
Elijah Penquite 11th 138 lbs
Elliott Johnson 9th 175 lbs
Elliott Leonard 10th 120 lbs
Ender Stanford 9th 120 lbs
Ethan Hurwitz 11th 126 lbs
Gavin Dilley 12th 285 lbs
Harrison Grant 9th 165 lbs
Jackson Bui 11th 215 lbs
Jackson Schmidt 12th 144 lbs
Jacob Gardner 10th 120 lbs
Jairo Ojeda-Cortes 12th 157 lbs
Jake Lindsay 9th 126 lbs
Jason Marsh 9th 157 lbs
Jaxen Timmons 9th 165 lbs
Jonathan Allen 11th 175 lbs
Jordan Jay 9th 165 lbs
Jordan Penquite 10th 113 lbs
Joseph Del Busto 12th 215 lbs
Joshua Velarde-Gallardo 9th 106 lbs
Josiah Hegnauer 11th 157 lbs
Jude Wright 10th 144 lbs
Kilian Miller 12th 285 lbs
Lucas Brock 10th 215 lbs
Michael Medina 9th 175 lbs
Michael Major 11th 150 lbs
Mitchell Mathiebe 9th 165 lbs
Nick Kelley 11th 165 lbs
Patrick Hagerty 9th 175 lbs
Robert Cross 9th 285 lbs
Robert Muller 9th 120 lbs
Sullivan Mahar 9th 120 lbs
Tamalelagi Peko 9th 144 lbs
Tamir Halevi 12th 106 lbs
Ty Collins 9th 190 lbs
Tyler Stickles 10th 126 lbs
Tyler Elliott 10th 132 lbs
Walter Karwacinski 9th 120 lbs
William Massey 10th 215 lbs


  • Head Coach

    Ed Penoski

  • Assistant Coach

    Chris Sliga

  • Assistant Coach

    Jeremy Stacy